Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the past three months

It has been a while since we have updated our blog but let me tell you having a three year old and a new born doesn't leave a lot of time to sit and write on the blog. i will try to update more frequently now that things have simmered down.

Back in November our world was completely changed for the better. We took Merek trick or treating on October 31st and the next morning we were in labor. It started a little scary because we thought we might have had an abruption so I was put on 24 hour observation while also in labor. After the 24 hours was over and it was clear there was no harm to me or Dexter things started to progress. after 42 total hours of labor we had a successful VBAC and at 3:29am Dexter Cole Searle was in our arms. And let me tell you I was thrilled it was over! He was everything we had hoped for. He was so handsome and Ryan was thrilled that he didn't have brown eyes. He was happy and healthy and we were overjoyed.

Over the next few weeks we were realizing just how different having a second child in the house really was. But once we settled into a routine we started feeling incredibly blessed by the wonderful children God has given us. At just three weeks old Dexter had his very first trip to Arkansas for our annual Thanksgiving trip.

And as we approached our first Christmas with all four of us we were finally settling into our new life with two children. We started to have a ton of fun and Dexter started to show his sweet personality. He was smiling and cooing all during the Christmas celebration. And we had our very first family pictures with all of us. Merek still isn't happy that he cant really play with her yet but she absolutely loves him and loves helping feed him and talk to him. She thinks it is the coolest thing in the world when she can make him giggle or smile.

Then miraculously Dexter started sleeping through the night and my wonderful mother agreed to keep both of the kids so that Ryan and I could go out on New Years eve. Maybe some of you remember that Ryan proposed to me on New Years eve  two years ago and since then every year we go back to the restaurant where he proposed. It is something that is very special to us and we were so thankful that she agreed to keep them for us. It was definitely hard to leave Dexter for the first time but it was a wonderful evening and I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband in my life. God is truly SO good. 

So that pretty much brings us up to date. We cannot express just how blessed we are and how thankful to all of the wonderful people in our lives that support us each and every day.

So the next big thing in our lives is that on January 30th both our our beautiful children will be dedicated to the church and to our Heavenly Father and we cannot be more excited to see the miraculous things that God has in store for our sweet little family.


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