Wednesday, August 25, 2010

They Grow Up Too Fast!

Well Merek started her very first day of pre-school, or as she would like to call it "Big Girl School". She was so excited that she changed outfits 9 times before settling on one. I packed her lunch and backpack and the whole way to school we talked about all of the fun things she was going to do. Two blocks from the school she started to watch and screamed "my school my school!!!!!' the minute she saw it. We walked to her classroom and she gave me a kiss and hug and ran inside never looking back. It was so awesome! 
While I did not become emotional or upset I couldn't help but remember how little she used to be. I couldn't help but think about her tiny little hands and giant blue eyes as she looked up at me for the first time. And now she is walking into her classroom successfully without me. What a fantastic experience to have as a parent! To know that whatever it was we did, something must have been right because she is so strong and successful!

On another note, our sweet little boy is growing very quickly too. Thankfully we still have one child that needs us! We had our 30 week checkup today which isn't that special because we have checkup's every week but today we got to have a sonogram. It never gets old seeing his little face on the screen and today he was opening and closing his eyes during the scan. We are so blessed that he has continued to grow and develop wonderfully and after seeing him today I am that much more desperate to see him in real life.

I don't by any means think we are perfect parents, however I do take pride in knowing that my children are happy, healthy, and growing. God has given us such wonderful blessings in our children and I cannot imagine life without them!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Our Daughter the Parrot

Ryan, Merek, and I all put on our brave faces this evening and went grocery shopping in Walmart on tax free weekend. Please remind me to never do that again. While we are walking through the store Ryan saw a man that was obviously stuck in the sixties. Ryan's response was "look Sam its a hippie." We continued on our way but the man was following us. Merek then decided to shout.......
"Watch out!!!!! It's a Hippie!!!!!" as loudly as she possibly could.
No one is perfect at the whole parenting thing but we are definitely learning that we have to think before we speak when Merek is in ear shot. I am constantly amazed by just how much she is listening too. Her innocent repetitions are funny sometimes and then on other occasions we are running from a very hairy man in Walmart.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where Does Jesus Live?

This evening at dinner we were discussing all of the fun things that Merek can teach to Dexter when he gets here. After a long list of things she can teach to" him she then said "I can teach him how to pray before dinner!" Ryan and Merek then started talking about why we pray to Jesus and God and that God is Jesus' Daddy. So to test her knowledge and imagination I asked "Merek where does Jesus live?"
After thinking long and hard she decided that "Jesus is at church and  He drives his car home." However, she couldn't really put her finger on where He is. So Ryan took her outside to look at the sunset. They decided that Jesus lives above the clouds. It was a sweet moment and I am so thankful that we have the opportunity to teach our children about the love that God has for us and the sacrifice that He made to save us.

Monday, August 16, 2010

There is an ice age coming to Tyler

So being pregnant over the summer was NOT the greatest idea ever but here we are...august in Texas and seven months pregnant. Needless to say I am miserable. So I have taken the necessary steps to ensure that I am always cold. It is 70 degrees in the house and every ceiling fan is on high. But in addition to that I have brought in box fans to help keep me cool at night. I feel so much better, Ryan on the other hand is not feeling so great haha he is freezing! Poor guy I think he might catch a cold inside the house. He said "this place should be a stadium .....because there are so many fans." I'm pretty sure when his teeth quit chattering he will understand that the fat lady is HOT!

Getting Things Going

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