Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sickness and Photoshoots

This has been a very interesting week so far.

On Sunday evening Merek started to feel sickly and within an hour she had a fever of 104.7 and could barely walk. Everything immediately became about keeping whatever she had away from Dexter. So in-between every interaction with Merek we were scrubbing and Lysol-ing and washing our hands before handling Dexter. It was a tad but chaotic. After a few hours of this her fever finally came down enough to be able to sleep. She never really complained about anything specific feeling bad she just was immobile from the fever. Thankfully the next morning it continued to come down and she has been fine since Monday. Strange to say the least.

Then the next day the princess decided she wanted to take pictures. So that's exactly what we did. I took her downtown to the old train station (one of my favorite places in town) and she posed the afternoon away. I did have second thoughts about the whole thing when we were getting ready to leave and a scary gentleman on a bicycle started circling where we were and watching a little to closely for my comfort. So we quickly got into the truck and left much more quickly than we came. But all in all I got some great shots and she was very happy with them.

Unfortunately this is the one time of the year when Ryan has to travel for work and the last two times he washout of town one or more of us were sick. Perfect timing. But thankfully he was here to help with the very sick little princess. She really does adore her daddy.

On another note we are getting excited about the warmer weather and even more excited about events to come. Our birthdays and anniversary are coming quickly, the Dean's are coming down from Iowa and we will finally get to meet out newest niece Leeza and see Jo, Grace, and Kasia as well. AND Dexter seems to think he is a superhuman baby and is already supporting his own wieght while standing and sitting up! Gracious!
Also coming up on march 14th is Merek's entrance exam for Grace in the fall. We are SO excited that we have the ability to send her there and cannot wait to see what is in store for her!

1 comment:

  1. I love the tu-tu! Sorry to hear about the sickness...we've been hit hard up here too. So ready for Spring!!
