Thursday, September 23, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

As we approach our due date I am becoming more and more anxious to meet our sweet little boy! His room is ready, his tiny clothes are folded, the bag is packed and I am ready! Last night was a full moon and Ryan and I joked that maybe that would send us into you can see it didn't. But at our appointment today I saw him taking some beautiful little practice breaths and they estimate he weighs 5 pounds 7 ounces which is more than Merek weighed at birth. Our Doctor joked that we must feel over due since this is the longest we have ever been pregnant. We are continuing to watch him extremely closely but he seems to be doing wonderfully and they even think they saw some hair on the sonogram.

Meanwhile our sweet princess is loving school and super excited about having a little brother. The latest comment she has been repeating is "Mommy Dexter is getting REALLY big!" haha I suppose you can always rely on a child to tell you the brutal truth. She has had so many fun things start up the past few weeks. They brought a firetruck to school and she has been feeling the doors ever since to make sure there isn't a fire behind it, she started ballet and has been diligently practicing first position, and she also started cubbies at church and recited her very first memory verse last night with perfection.

We are so incredibly blessed and have so much going on! Please also note that Kim and Philip have a court date tomorrow to adopt our new niece in the Ukraine so please lift up a prayer for them tomorrow if you think about it.

1 comment:

  1. I've been watching your status' to make sure Dex wasn't making his appearance while we're gone. Can't wait to see him (and you guys too). And thanks for the prayers, we'll let you know when we're done.
