Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If you can build a house together......

    ....Your marriage will last a lifetime. At least that is the way the rumor goes. As you all know we are building a home and let me tell you we are REALLY building a home! We have been so blessed to be able to do this and to have the ability to build it just the way we want it. God is so good! Our current living situation was just fine for Ryan, myself and Merek; however once our little hiccup and all of his belongings entered our homestead we realized this house is just not big enough for the four of us.

Insert my grandfather. While searching for a home he offered to be our contractor if we decided we wanted to build. So the planing began...last June. Yes, over a year ago. I had no idea how long it took to get the ball rolling. Of course part of that could be my inability to confirm our house plan (I wanted it to be perfect).  But after the planing and the piles and piles and piles of paperwork we finally broke ground and in a little over a month we are very close to being finished.

I had no idea just how much detail went into the building process. Between telling the electrician where to put our plug outlets and what kind of lighting we wanted, to working out the cabinets and counter tops, to the marble being late because they forgot to measure. Then the part I was so looking forward to came back to bite me. I had to pick colors. I love to design and consider myself a professional on colors but when I was faced with a whole house and slew of colors I found it hard to settle for one. Thankfully that is behind me.

We are in the home stretch, no pun intended, and it is so exciting to see it all come together. 

We have certainly enjoyed this experience but I do not foresee us ever doing it again. We are so thrilled to get away from our current environment but we are even more excited to have a place where we can raise our children in peace and an environment more conducive for children. We are so blessed!

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